Hi Syndey,

To Be Honest
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2022

Thanks for welcoming me to Cleveland and for showing me the ropes, it’s nice to have a friend here who I’ve known since grade school. Gotta say though now I’ve been here for a little while, it was actually nicer when we lived in different cities and I didn’t see you all the time. I think moving here made me realize I like our friendship more from afar. Being so close and seeing you every week is stressful. I’m not sure what to do since I realized spending time with you doesn’t make me feel good. You talk over me, interrupt me, and don’t listen. I’m writing this letter because I’m pissed that last time we hung out, you asked how my job search is going and when I started to answer, you laughed in my face and said you don’t need to hear the specific details. WTF? I can’t remember if you were always like this and I was too nice to notice. The crazy part is that you’re studying to be a psychologist. Heads up, if you pull that on your patients, you probably won’t have any. Funny thing is I bet if you read this letter, you’d have no clue it was about you. You’d be like sucks you’re friends with someone like that. Haha. People be like that, you know?

Another thing that bothers me is that you think you’re better than me because you’re married and feel sorry for me because I’m in my 30’s and single. So rude. News flash marriage isn’t an achievement. Another thing, it’s so weird how when I bring up something we’ve talked about a million times before, have no clue what I’m talking about. I’ll reference the Turkish guy I dated and you’ll be like who. And then I have to tell the story over again and you usually still don’t remember. Do you have early onset Alzheimer’s? It makes me feel like you aren’t listening, so I can’t help but think what’s the point in even being friends since every time I see you, it’s basically like starting from scratch. You probably don’t even remember where I’m from. If I was your patient instead of your friend, you’d be fired real fast. You didn’t ask me, but you’re gonna have a hard time succeeding in your profession. Sorry, but it’s the truth. I mean it’s not really my problem, but I feel bad for your future clients who legit need help. I have to drill it into my head, your life your problem. Bottom line is I have to stop getting upset about this and extract myself from being friends with you. I mean life is way too short to be frustrated by a friendship. No thank you goodbye.

