Natalie —

To Be Honest
Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2022

Oh girl, I saw the look in your eyes when I confided in you about my crush on Nicholas. It was an off handed remark prompted by his presence. I immediately sensed my revelation was a challenge to you and watched with mild amusement ten minutes later as you sat down on Nicholas’ lap, ran your hand through his hair, and gazed lovingly into his eyes. I saw you look at me out of the corner of your eye to make sure I was watching. I had no choice but to leave the room before you could kiss him. To be clear, I didn’t leave because I was jealous or mad. I was embarrassed for you. I can guarantee you lost interest in him as soon as you realized I wasn’t around to witness your conquest. It’s not as satisfying without an audience, is it? Anyway I don’t play with people who play games. You win.


