
To Be Honest
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2022
Photo by Carrie Allie

My patience with you and your attitude has run out. You throwing me under the bus for your mistakes. You ordering me around. You taking credit for my work or ideas. I am your boss. So no, your behavior is not acceptable. Don’t get me started on your refusal to work on a project unless it’s good visibility or benefits you personally in some way. That’s not the way a job works. You do what your boss tells you to do. Why don’t you understand this concept? Oh let me guess because you’re a rich kid who hasn’t had a job before and expects the job to conform to your needs. Does not work that way dude.

And how about your non-stop need to be validated for doing the basics? Waving your hand around trying to get attention and wanting to be recognized for doing the bare minimum. Again, no. You’ve proved unable to take feedback or constructive criticism I’ve given you. You’re defensive and become offensive. Not a threat, but if you continue to behave like this, I’ll have to decide on next steps. I’ve been patient enough with you. Time’s up. Get it together. God, I wish I could send this email as a warning to you. I’m not looking to get fired so I won’t, but I am so tempted. Get it together please. Haha right you’re not going to do that because you’re entitled prick.

Sincerely, Your Boss

