God in Heaven

Doulos Christos
To Be Known By God, V1
1 min readApr 18, 2020

You are God in Heaven and You rule all the earth. Your majesty is all around me and I wallow in Your Glory. Open my heart to be able to take in Your love. Let it run from me and let it pour into those around me. Your love is what I want — Your desire in mind and Your actions in my feet. I give all of my mind, all my desires and all my day — each hour and minute.

You are the only One who deserves my time. You are the only One who deserves my love. My love is empty unless You bring Yourself. Oh how I long for You to come!

Come, please Lord! I want to be in Your Presence.

Now that I have come to know God, or rather, to be known by God, why would I turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of this world? Whose slave I want to be once again? Doulos Christos … God make me Your slave today and give me clear vision and hunger for what You want me to do!



Doulos Christos
To Be Known By God, V1

Now that i have come to know God-to be known by God-why do i turn back again to the weak-worthless elementary principles of this world, whose slave i wish to be