Recognizing Families In the Wild (RFIW)

A Data Challenge Series (5th Edition).

Created by Author.

Table of Contents

· Overview
Updates (check back)!
· RFIW-2021
· Important dates
Task Evaluations
Call for papers
The Team
· Related Resources
Related blogs and tutorials
Past RFIW Challenges
Past Press Releases
Related Publications


It is with pleasure we announce the fifth and final large-scale kinship recognition data competition, Recognizing Families In the Wild (RFIW), with the 2021 FG. RFIW uses the largest and most comprehensive image database for automatic kinship recognition, Families in the Wild (FIW).

All submissions (i.e., challenge papers, general paper submissions, and Brave New Ideas) will be peer-reviewed for publication as part of RFIW2020 in the IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (AMFG) proceedings. Also, we expect authors will join the workshop during the 2021 AMFG conference…



Joseph Robinson, Ph.D.
To Recognize Families in the Wild: A Machine Vision Tutorial

Lead AI Engineer at BitHuman. Phd (NEU ‘20). Focus: applied ML w emphasis on vision, big data, automatic face understanding;