How 1000 years equals to 1 day for GOD?

robin kumar
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2018

Albert Einstein made a claim that time is not regular at all. Time is variable in its nature and depends on the relative speed. Imagine you are in a bus that is travelling at normal speed, perhaps just a fraction less than speed of light.

According to the special relativity, the rate of which time travels on the speeding bus depends on the whether it is being observed while sitting outside of that bus or on the bus.

If you are sitting inside the bus, you might feel that time is passing, but if you are sitting on the pavement to observe the same bus, understanding time would assume a different quality from the previous scenario.

Now looking in the bus from the outside, you may feel that time is passing much compare to when you were inside the bus. This is so because, according to Albert Einstein, the faster the object moves the slower the time will run for some observing from the sidewalk. Therefore, time in varies, and it’s just a matter of speed.

The New Testament of the Bible, book 2nd Peter, chapter 3 and verse 8 says: But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. (King James Version).

Now, how could Peter, who was less scientific in his approach said something so scientific that took almost two thousand years for someone like Einstein to discover?

Or was it simple a prophetic occurrence that made him said of what he said while laying the thought for another Jew’s discovery later. However, this confirms the omnipresent nature of God that God was both present both while being outside of the world and being inside of the world.

For most of us who lack scientific vigor like Einstein, we search God because we assume God is outside of the world. Therefore, it is admissible that for God things are moving slower because observation is taking place from the outside. When God is inside the world for most of us, after every thousand year, and first day completed.

Next, another important verse in this context is in the Old Testament, the Psalm, chapter 90, Psalm 4. And it says: For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. (King James Version)

Here, it determines the claim made by Peter and Einstein about time, because David is writing Pslam almost one thousand years before Peter announcement about time. It would be fine to suggest that when Einstein was discovering time he well knew of the Jewish writer works on time, including King Dawid and St. Peter Simon. Therefore, he was working on the idea already announced twice before him. Hence, it will not be incorrect to say Einstein did not discover the idea, but what novel he did was he proved the existing theory into a scientific law and this he did it successfully unparallelled.

Alas, what is intriguing is the fact that could Kind Dawid look backward too to have discovered time or was he simply intelligent enough to have trusted his source of knowledge, which was primarily text available form Jacob’s time about the nature of God. Perhaps, in the same way King David’s text was source and reference point for St. Peter Simon and further, perhaps both of their text for learned scientist Einstein.

Whatever be the case, it is no surprise it took three Jew to have said the same thing at a different interval of time for civilizations of their time. In response, they proved each other correct and proved that God excited before time and will remain even after it. It’s only to say time is temporary with a beginning and an end. Who know that current time of today is the sixth day from the Book of Geniuses?



robin kumar

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