How far Trade and War are alike ?

robin kumar
4 min readOct 7, 2016


Well, in war both the parties are in debt but in the case of trade at least one party is in more profit than the other. In conclusion, in the case of trade both the parties are in profit vis-a-vis with no gain in war.

Today when we look around the world from west to east and south to north in the year 2016, we find not enough bilateral and mutually cooperative counties in tandem setting examples & best practices of cooperation. The evidence of such cooperative governance is just not lacking but may be it doesn’t exist at all.

The governance is not always restricted to a public policy of a nation state but holds a nation state more responsible: if it fails in international/foreign policy and relations maintaining peace and tranquillity among the neighbouring countries and globally.

Historians all over the world would minimally agree that out of many parameters, since time immemorial, annexation of land has been the vital parameter to design governance. Where wars as a tool is used to capture more land in the name of some economic benefit or the other. The interesting thing is that nothing has changed, people belonging to different civilizations, speaking various dialects and languages feel same in the case of love and hate or any other emotion for that matter.

Every civilization evolves with time and so the need of locals always builds-up for a better tomorrow. Similarly, the nature of human right would always evolve in the light of a given change of evolution for strengthening the human freedom and liberty with a rider of duties and responsibility toward one’s own country and humanity as a whole with every day pass.

If say one country captures more land in a war from other country with a didactic for business and trade in that region, in any given point in time, historians and social psychologists would still agree that such incidences would only beget hate, and longing more power. If not today may be later, but by then science and technology would have evolved to another paradigm due to its evolutionary nature. For we know that ruling a land and its resources is a diametrically opposite than ruling in peoples hearts.

So in reflection, we learn that in near future let nuclear not become an extension of powerful negotiation for trade, because trade can only exist if civilisations do, and civilisations can only exist if they globalised, and people can only globalised if there is no reverse globalisation in the name of saving identity, native-ism and local economy.

The only commonality between the trade(international and domestic) and war is that both the times the promoter or propagator looks for an easy or a cheap method, in management they call it cost effective method. To argue it further, in the case of trade if easy and cheap method is a quick way to fix products then it should be taken forward for fixing products and not human development and human life in general.

For example, every independent and interdependent economy of any country need to work towards creating employment. Private leaders need to make policies of retaining employees while creating a good will for lifetime among employees in case of human resource management.

During war one nation state creates panicky situations for another vulnerable nation state, rather it should look for a better diplomacy options to meet common health and education issues.

The world is anyway facing climate issues owing to many factors, for the purpose of illustration, may be one wealthy nation state misuse of electrical power in a given geographical sphere may cause no electrical supply in the neighboring nation state of that same region.

On the other hand, fanatic fundamentalist is posing threat to people all over by creating terror, and this is an equally serious topic for discussion that would demand higher level of integrity among countries in the world.

So basically there are so many common issues and concerns between countries to resolve collectively among themselves than to wage supremacy against each other.

As we should always remember that discoveries, inventions, and businesses were always meant to be a common goods for common people but not exclusive goods for exclusive people.

In brief, in the name of trade no warfare is ever successful, and in the name of war no trade can ever take place. It calls for a joint leadership initiative among nation states for a good governance internationally and domestically.



robin kumar

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