The Future of Ageing — Nobel Prize Dialogue in Madrid!

robin kumar
Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2019

I was browsing through my phone when I found ‘Nobel Prize’ YouTube Live with the above title. A conversation organised by the Nobel Prize committee is often no less than exciting & source of learning from the best of the world scientist and thinkers. The panel of experts working in psychology, population studies, medicine and technology-led this conversation. The conversation unfolded into the timely managed discussion from the various perspective on the said subject. For those of you interested in watching them, please find it here.

Courtesy: YouTube & Nobel Prize

However, while listening to the discussion in the video, it made me reflect on the script written by one of the early kings of the middle east in his writings. For a long, I have been exploring the question of the relationship between God and science. Listening to the video, which is more scientifically proven and verifiable pushed me to explore it in tandem with the writing of the king born around 990 BCE.

(Medium Staff Medium Medium em Português Medium en español Medium Italiano Medium Engineering Medium Popular Science National Science Foundation)

For those of you who are of the scientific behaviour should watch the video first to understand what I intend to say through this article. And, those who wish to watch the video after reading should continue reading.

The video has many scientists expounding upon the reasons that have caused longevity of life for human beings in the 21st century. There are many anecdotes of interviews suggesting rationally and emotionally what makeup people to live healthy, more prolonged, and so on. The demographic reasons some are not factored in but talks about the same in patches. The video remains insightful as it encompasses artificial intelligence and its implications when discussing the future of human beings.

(Science Editor Data Science London Royal Institution Science Editor Open Science Fedn Verge Science Science Friday Medical Sciences Dell Medical School)

Some aspects I often find missing in the conversation to do with the ageing in general, and even in this video are: no talk discusses the longevity of life of plants and animal. Second, we often restrict conversation of ageing to developed countries with less or no less participation of data from the developing countries or conditions from the under-developing countries where health remain poor.

Besides the missing aspect of the discussion, let’s try to explore the continuum of the video with expression given many years back by King Solomon. Solomon was the tenth son of King David (the second king of ancient united Israel) and the second son of Bathsheba. Like his predecessors, he reigned for 40 years in one of the highest and most prosperous periods in Israel’s history — called by many, “The Golden Age” of Israel. His three books that mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible are Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon.

However, one disputed book, the Book of Wisdom that does not become the part of the Old Testament is a fascinating read for all those who are interested in reading it from the viewpoint of the learning something new. Moreover, the debate surrounding the inclusion or rejection this of the book is irrelevant in today’s time but what is relevant is the fact that simplicity and complexity of Solomon’s writings laden with knowledge and wisdom for the seeker of reasoning in spirituality.

(California Medical Assn Western Medical Training California Medical Assn Medicalchain Texas Medical Assoc. Nobel Peace Center World Relief)

So I quote from Chapter 1, The Book of Wisdom of Solomon: For God made not death, neither hath he pleasure in the destruction of the living. It would stand for nothing, but what the medical and technological science can achieve in today’s time. However, the majority of scientist somehow would like to discount this relationship between God and science because of individual capacities and intellectualism. But, some of you who are a sincere seeker of oneness in the very idea of existence and purpose of living beings on the earth, should try to reflect on the grand design of God which saying things through his people well in advance.

For myself, I see today’s science manifesting something encapsulated in the book of ancient days for the people to awe at as simple a thing as this. Whether some may call it a ‘God’s particle’ for whatever reason or in this case, agelessness, it goes to propound one dimension that God has a purpose with this earth and everything living being.

Becoming ageless was not romantic few years back, but with science, this very idea looks provable now. However, only time will decide the fate of artificial intelligence and whether its sustainability is for humans or against it. In both cases, human beings will turn towards God; and God always remains close to those who ask for it.

(MIT Technology Review La Bible Bible Gateway Unlocking the Bible)



robin kumar

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