The kind man from Washington, DC

Farhad Sadykov
2 min readMar 2, 2014

9.25 am. “Today a great day to do something really special”, I thought. As usual, I made a couple of coffee and a few sandwiches. Morning always goes the same way. And today is no exception.

I began to check my email box and messages in social networks. Here are a few letters at work, spam message and… Wow! The long-awaited letter!

A few days ago , in search of inspiration and new ideas , I wrote a letter to the writer from Washington. I was excited, because I had never done it before. I really like to build the sentences, which turn into beautiful text. Moreover, friends say that my posts are pretty interesting. So I couldn’t miss the opportunity to learn something new from the professional writer and get some inspiring advice.

“The great thing about writing is that you don’t have to wait for someone to tell you to do it. You can write about whatever subject you’re interested in and do it when you want.”

This is the main idea. I never thought about it. I decided to revise my approach to writing, because I was backed into a frameworks created by me, for which I didn’t want to leave. I always was waiting for an interesting reason.

Also he recommended to look at the Urban Times. It is a website of writers, who publish articles on various topics and communicate with each other.

I have carefully read the letter several times. I decided to look at the world differently, began to read more special literature and develop my ability to write. And I even have the idea of writing my own book! This is awesome!

At the end I want to give a great advice to anyone, who love to write:

Write and forget the rest of the world.

I sincerely want to thank everyone, who supported me in my endeavors. And a big thanks to Ash Blankenship, who took the time to answer on my letter and gave me valuable tips.

Sorry for my not good English. I try to fix it.

If you have any suggestions, you can reach me by email Follow me on Twitter: @fsadykov.

Thank you so much!



Farhad Sadykov

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