Ben Carson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development?

The Democrats
The Democrats
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2016

Donald Trump has officially nominated Ben Carson to serve as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Let’s go over his qualifications for the job.

On housing:

  • Ben Carson has no experience

On urban development:

  • Ben Carson has no experience

On running a federal agency:

  • Ben Carson has no experience

But in all seriousness, here are the details on Ben Carson’s complete lack of qualifications to serve as HUD Secretary:

  • Carson does not believe in the mission of the Department of Housing and Urban Development — he called the Great Society (LBJ’s program that created HUD and lifted millions out of poverty) a “failure.”
  • Carson believes “poverty is really more of a choice than anything else.”
  • Carson criticized an Obama Administration rule intended to desegregate housing as a “social-engineering scheme.”
  • After Trump was elected, Carson said, “having me as a federal bureaucrat would be like a fish out of water, quite frankly.”
  • Carson’s own spokesperson says he’s not qualified to accept a position in Trump’s administration because Carson “has no government experience” and “has never run a federal agency.”
  • Carson was “not sure” violence against women was a widespread issue (even though under VAWA, HUD has expanded housing protections for survivors of domestic violence).

And here are some other reasons why Ben Carson isn’t fit to hold higher office:

  • Carson believes that Obamacare is “the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.”
  • Carson thinks being gay is “absolutely” a choice and supported Indiana’s infamous Right to Discriminate law.
  • Carson compared police violence in Baltimore with having “an unpleasant experience with a plumber.”
  • Donald Trump himself has said Ben Carson “has no aptitude” and called him a “pathological liar.”

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The Democrats

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