December 7, 2016:

An average Wednesday in the Trump transition

Eric Walker
The Democrats
2 min readDec 8, 2016


Here’s what our president elect did yesterday. Folks, it’s going to be a long four years for anyone who ever wants to exercise their First Amendment right to criticize the president. Trump’s billionaire buddies on Wall Street are sure going to have a happy 2017, though.

7:30 AM

Today Show interview (making sure to call out Boeing and Saturday Night Live — losers!)

2:15 PM

Announced Scott Pruitt, climate change denier and ally to the fossil fuel industry, as his pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency.

5:30 PM

Announced Linda McMahon, the CEO of WWE and one of the largest outside donors to the Trump Foundation, as his pick to lead the Small Business Administration.

6:00 PM

Met with fast food chain CEO Andy Puzder, who wants to replace his employees with robots and opposes paying his workers a living wage, about becoming the nation’s Labor Secretary. (He will get the job).

8:41 PM

Called out a private citizen who dared to disagree with him over the Carrier deal, which gives tax breaks to a corporation in exchange for moving hundreds of jobs overseas and hiking prices.

9:56 PM

His supporters were threatening a private citizen, but he doubled down anyway.


Somehow managed to sleep at night knowing he promised working class voters he would look out for them, yet having spent the day lifting up his millionaire friends and tearing down anyone — including an American worker — who dared to criticize him.



Eric Walker
The Democrats

Deputy Comms Director for @TheDemocrats. @louiseslaughter, House Rules Dems & @rorylancman alumn. Tweets mostly politics, sports, music, trash talk.