Donald Trump + Foreign Strongmen = Disaster

Lauren Dillon
The Democrats
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2016

As the DNC Research Director, I can tell you that this presidential campaign has been one to remember. But Republicans have given Trump the final rose, and he is their nominee. Every time I start to think we’ve heard the most outrageous statement from Donald Trump, he proves me wrong. Tuesday night I was shocked when I heard the latest appalling comment from Donald.

I shouldn’t have been surprised though. Here’s the thing: Donald Trump’s admiration for strongmen is many things — dangerous, horrifying, and unacceptable to start. But one thing it’s not? New.

From complementing the brutal Chinese government in the 1990s to his praise of Saddam Hussein this week, Trump stands up for some of our world’s worst leaders.

1. Chinese Government during Tiananmen Square

Students gathered in Tiananmen Square on June 3, 1989, in a large, peaceful, pro-democracy protest. The military open-fired on protesters, killing an unknown number of people, as many as thousands. In a 1990 interview, Donald Trump lauded the government’s response.

“They put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength.” — Donald Trump on Tiananmen Square

He reaffirmed those comments during a primary debate last March, calling the protest a “riot” that was ended by “a strong, powerful government that put it down with strength.”

2. Kim Jong Un

Just this week, the Obama administration issued bold new sanctions against North Korea because of Leader Kim Jong Un’s long history of human rights violations.

You probably won’t be surprised to learn that Kim Jong Un has a fan in the Republican nominee for president. What does Donald Trump have to say?

“You know, it’s pretty amazing when you think of it… He goes in. He takes over. He’s the boss. It’s incredible.” — Donald Trump on North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un

A man who whose human rights abuses include extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests and detention, forced labor, and torture is incredible? That’s not just un-American — it’s a rebuke to all people who value freedom.

3. Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin is another oppressive leader who has earned accolades from Donald Trump.

Putin is “doing a great job.” — Donald Trump

Trump even said that Putin is doing a better job leading Russia than our own President is doing here at home. To borrow a phrase from the Donald himself, I have to tell you, I would rather live in President Obama’s America than Vladimir Putin’s Russia any day of the week. I don’t think that’s a controversial opinion, but it’s one that the Republican nominee apparently disagrees with. Trump gave him an “A” for leadership and spent time during one of the GOP primary debates praising his strength.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg for Donald Trump’s love affair with foreign dictators. Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, who spent their lives fighting against democracy, making life unlivable for dissidents and people in poverty, and supporting international terrorism, have also earned the Republican nominee’s praises. Trump says he is “one hundred percent” certain that the Middle East would be better off if they were still in power. This is what delusional thinking sounds like:

If you haven’t shuddered yet, here comes the big one: On a visit to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Donald Trump complemented Adolf Hitler for the way he “so brilliantly” came to power. Coming from a man who brushes off anti-Semitism in his campaign, praise for Hitler is downright chilling.

As a candidate, Trump’s comments are dangerous. As Commander-in-Chief, Trump would be catastrophic. He admires some of the worst the world has to offer, insulting the millions of Americans who have fought to defend democracy and millions more people around the world who have suffered at the hands of these gruesome leaders. Donald Trump’s international interests are out of line with our nation’s goals and values. He cannot be the person to represent us on the international stage.

