I Will Vote

Meena Yi
The Democrats
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2016

Last night was the first presidential debate, and I’ve never been more ready to elect Hillary Clinton.

I love the work I’ve been doing to get her elected, too! I’m the Art Director at the Democratic National Committee. My team and I work to make the graphics, gifs, and animations here for all the different departments and teams.

Today, though, offered an especially fun opportunity — I made a comic strip for National Voter Registration Day. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 My coworkers Pratt and Rabiah posed for the comic and actually registered Rabiah to vote during the process (Pratt is our Director of Voter Expansion. He helps people vote all over the country.)

Registering to vote is super easy, and with registration deadlines coming up fast and early voting beginning soon, now is the time to act!

Visit IWillVote.com right now and check to see if you’re registered. If you need to register to vote, complete the form so that you can cast your ballot in this really historic election for Hillary Clinton and other Democrats.



Meena Yi
The Democrats

Creative | Photographer | Skincare Expert in Residence for @thedemocrats My cat brought me a dead rat and I had to act like I was excited. 이미나