Three Million Strong

How We Win This November

Brandon Davis
The Democrats
2 min readAug 9, 2016


I’m Brandon Davis — the Democratic National Committee’s new Chief of Staff for the General Election — and I’m here at DNC headquarters to do one thing: Make sure we elect Democrats up and down the ballot this November.

3 months to go

Yesterday marked a big milestone — exactly 3 months until Election Day. That’s not a lot of time to register voters, make calls, knock on doors, and make our plans to get every voter out to the polls in November.

Campaign organizers have a saying — we’re people focused, metrics driven. We’re not just fighting for policies in this election, we’re fighting for people. We’re fighting to make sure another 20 million Americans have access to quality health care. We’re fighting to create millions more jobs. We’re fighting so that every American — no matter their race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity — knows that they have a voice and deserve to be heard.

Charting our progress

That’s a big task. So how are we going to do it? By getting 3 million people like you to commit — right now — to voting for Democrats in November. That’s our goal — our metric that we’re chasing. Because here’s what we know: When more people turn out, we win. And we’re charting our progress here at headquarters, where every person who walks into this building will see it, front and center.

Here’s why I’m asking you to help make that happen, and to keep pitching in however and whenever you can between now and November: Before I joined the team here at the DNC last month, I worked in the Labor movement. And one of the things I saw as I helped working people all across the country organize, is just how much stronger we are together. In 2008, Barack Obama and Edith Childs taught us that one voice can change a room. Each of us has a voice that can be bold, or hopeful, or can demand change. But all our voices together as one? That’s powerful stuff. It can change the world.

Photos of our supporters decorate DNC HQ



Brandon Davis
The Democrats

General Election Chief of Staff @ DNC; Political Organizer; Activist; Husband and Father; Sports Fan