The Big Bang of computer part 1–3

Abdul Satar
To The Next Level
Published in
4 min readMar 5, 2017


From my early age, i have been fascinated by computer, and all could be done with it. Computer have been a part of us. Nowadays people can work from home (remote work), shopping, doing research, communicate to someone on another side of the world, learn new skills, and so on (the list goes bigger).

Thanks to this awesome technology our lives has been improving so much (and hope it will), but to understand path where are we going with it, we should first understand from were does it coming from? what is the really history of computer?

This article is about the computer’s historical, from emergence, and some important aspects involved in its evolution. The post makes part of the Journey ‘The big bang of a computer’, divided in three parts:

  1. The Big Bang of Computer (History) part-1
  2. Debugging Computer Generation part-2
  3. The Computer of the Tomorrow part-3

If you are fascinated about computer, i certain you will enjoy reading it.

Abaco(4000 BC)

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The things began thousand years ago, with this oldest calculating tools used about 4000 BC. This could make basics operation, such as add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

Pascal Machine (1642)

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Considered the first mechanical computer, was designed by French
mathematician and philosopher Blase Pascal. It could do complex add, and subtraction.

Leibniz Calculator (1674)

credit by future-nonstop.

Influenced by Pascal Machine, German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz, developed mechanical calculator, instead of just add and subtract, it could make multiplication and division.

Jaquard Loom

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French weaver Joseph-Marie Jacquard, created a programmable machine that could design different patterns using as input punched cards.

Babbage difference engine (1822)

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Charles Babbages was an English mathematician and scientist who designed a computer clock work calculator able to solve equation, and print the result. by the time it was necessary some parts to build the machine and had to be made by hand. It never worked at all.

Zuze’s z1 (1938)

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Zuse is a mechanical computer considered first calculator capable of automatic operation witch used boolean logic. It was designed and build by Konrad Zuse. The Zuse’s journey continue with z2, z3 and z4.

Mark 1 (1943)

credit by emaze

Used in last part f wold war II, these computer was a general purpose electro-mechanical computer. It was the result of partnership of IBM and Harvard University.

Eniac (1946)

credit by manualpc

I love to pronounce these one (it sound like some alien name), wherever, this was a power machine developed by Dr John Mauchy(1907–1980), to calculate the trajectory of missel for the world war II. It never has been used on the war but, could calculate the trajectory missel in 30 seconds, instead of 40 hours calculated manually by the people (how powerful was this), the rate of speed was about ten thousand (1000), faster than all eletro-mechanical computer by the time, professed as “Giant Brain”.

One of the main constitution of Eniac machine, was vacuum tube. For the few time that could run, some vacuum tube has to explode, these was a huge problem, always should be replaced.

Eniac was the inspiration for the coming generation of computer.

Before you go…

This was the First part (Part 1–3) The Big Bang of computer journey. I think there is more about the past of computer and i will love to see you though about it.

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Abdul Satar
To The Next Level

Fundador do Mastermindclub , Designer, Escritor, Emprendedor, Fascinated by technology, growth mindset, art, innovation all that move my curiosity.