A Letter to My Younger Selves

To all we were, are, and will be.

Nanci Arvizu
Garden of Neuro
Published in
6 min readJan 13, 2021


Photo by Artur Aldyrkhanov on Unsplash

The journaling exercises presented in The Garden of Neuro have me digging deep.

The exercises vary from writing a letter of thanks to your younger self, to being specific and writing a letter to yourself at a specific age.

It’s hard for me to pick one of those selves I’ve been. Understanding now how life is the sum of our choices, from where I sit, I’d have to say I’m, … struggling with a past I cannot change.

It’s also hard to think about writing a letter of thanks when I feel any message I could send should be big red flags waving warnings.

I cannot go back to my five-year-old self who was terrified to ‘go to grandma’s’ because it meant fighting off a drunk relative from molesting me.

I cannot go back to the moment when I told my mother I wanted to go to college and she responded first with ‘there’s nothing wrong with getting married and having babies,’ and second with, “I’m not going to pay for it.”

