
Be The Lighthouse

Shine your light

Susan Brearley
Published in
5 min readMay 1, 2019


Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash

I’m working on my USCG Captain’s license.

Soon, people will have to call me Cap’n Susan. I have always been the captain of my ship, so this formality will institutionalize it, and give me some letters, I suppose, to put after, or before my name, or something to put on a resume which I hope to never have to resurrect again.

Once I have the Captain designation, it will take its place with other worthy titles I enjoy, like “Chef” and “Ma” (like the leader of an unruly gang of bank robbers or New Age Robin Hoods).

My plan is that once I’ve got the Captain-hood, I’ll be able to take 6 folks at a time out on the Hudson River for tours. The tours will be unique, since I’ve got so much trivia in my head from my years of living here in this river valley, and from studying the history of the region. But more than that, I’ll give the tours an environmental spin and prepare great vegan food for the tours. And that will delight and surprise the guests, since I prepare kick-ass vegan meals that so blow peoples’ minds that they will suddenly come to an epiphany and understand that vegan can be amazingly delicious, while at the same time helping humanity. The secret ingredient to my cooking of course, is ME.



Susan Brearley

Medium since 2016. Boost Nominator, EIC, Publisher, Author, Entrepreneur, Coach, Community Leader, NGO Founder. Degrees in Psych, Indigenous Studies, Leadership