I Work From Home, Make Good Money, and Have Flexible Vacation Time, So Why Do I Hate My Job?

Struggling to keep pace with today’s work environment

Rodney Lacroix
Published in
7 min readAug 19, 2024


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Picture of a man who is fed up with working.
Image by Author using Grok.

It’s 10:30 AM on a Friday as I write this, sitting at my kitchen table and typing furiously on my company laptop.

I should be working.

Instead, I’m writing an article about why I’m avoiding emails, instant messages, Linux terminals, software automation programs, and 87 open browser tabs that comprise the tools I need to do my job every day.

I hate them all. Looking at all the icons waiting for my attention on my desktop and in my taskbar makes me want to go back to bed, take a walk, check the refrigerator for the eighth time in ten minutes, or retire early.

I’m done.

I will be 56 years old in a couple of weeks. I am still at least a decade or more from retiring. The prospect of looking at myself still staring at this same screen in ten years disheartens me.

I don’t want to do this any longer. I don’t want to work.



Rodney Lacroix

Rodney Lacroix is a humorist, and author of several books, including “The Vasectomy Diaries” and “Romantic as Hell.” He has 4 kids and is super tired, you guys.