Living with Intentions

…on becoming a better version of yourself

Upen Singh


Photo by Dan DeAlmeida on Unsplash

A lion that hasn’t chosen its target in a herd of deer will not get a kill. A plane flying without a destination will not get anywhere.

I woke up at 4:30 this morning. My intentions were clear as I lay down in bed to sleep last night — I wanted to be at my best for the 6 am online meeting. And it happened, just as intended.

On a deeper level, I intend to become a person who wakes up naturally by 4 every morning. And I am on my way there.

We become the person of our intentions.

Intentions allow us to set targets, move forward, and self-correct whenever needed.

So when you set your intentions, be sure to speak up, speak out, have an agenda, and constantly polish your path for clarity.

The one who makes such efforts with a clear intention is the one who will get there.

Changemakers make changes because they have intentions. Winners win because they have intentions.

Intend. Get there.


Upen Singh writes about people and progress. He is interested in making lives better.

Having traveled over 25 countries he is always seeking new adventures to learn from and share. He has an M.A. in Developmental Economics from West Virginia University.

He lives in Thailand, Nepal, and the United States, constantly traveling. He is currently involved in a rural development project in far-west Nepal.



Upen Singh
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A Practical Visionary | Education Counselor | Builder | People & Progress | Traveler | Author | Nature & Animals