Write For Us


What Is Your Story?

Susan Brearley
Published in
4 min readApr 3, 2020


By Susan B

We are humans. We strive.

We struggle, we fall, we get up, we try again.

Obstacles make us stronger, and often, more determined. Sometimes the obstacles feel insurmountable, until one day, there’s an “AHA” moment.

When I was an infant, like you, I was not born walking. I could not sit or eat without assistance. Running seemed like a mountain peak far away.

In fact, as that infant, I didn’t know the running achievement even existed.

Sometimes we cannot see the next mountain or even know it’s there until we reach the summit of the mountain just before it.

And then, I ran. I rode bikes. I earned every badge there was to earn in Girl Scouts.

I became convinced that there was always another mountain to climb.

But my obstacle was in some ways like being a tall poppy in a field of hundreds of same sized poppies. Striving for the next peak takes perseverance and a strong belief system. And a good portion of humility.

Share your stories of reaching the peak. Everyone’s peak is different. We want to hear about yours — the obstacles, the journey, the summit — and also the lessons learned in the valleys.



Susan Brearley

CA2016 EIC MuddyUm-Contemplate-Garden of Neuro-Summit-Connections-Entropies-Wordsmiths' Weekly, Native Voice. Co-editor Brain Labs and Ooh-Nom-Ahhh-Tuh-PEE-uh-