Writing as a Process of Self-Discovery

How I overcame a paralyzing fear of sharing my inside voice.

To Whom It May Concern
6 min readDec 5, 2023


Writing isn’t just about the finished product, rather, it’s about the process in itself and the self-discovery found along the way. I guarantee what you recall in your memory changes as you type out the emotions and feelings. As you write, you may uncover things about yourself that you never knew before or articulated in a way that resonated before. This is an empowering experience, allowing you to grow and learn as an individual, quite similar to the frequency achieved in meditation.

The other thing is, writing might just be a way to confront your fears and challenges. Either way, you burn it from your tongue and your mind. It can be a way to face your inner demons and overcome them and keep the thoughts flowing rather than stagnate. This can lead to a greater sense of self-awareness and personal growth. Baby steps!

Spoiler Alert: I watched a lot of Pixar and Disney flicks

Overcoming Writer’s Block

Of course, writing is not always an easy process. Writer’s block can be a significant hurdle for many writers, making it difficult to punch those keys and get started. One of the last significant things I wrote and shared online was back in 2015 and 2023 is when I resumed. Talk about your writer’s block!

If you find yourself staring at a blank wall paralyzed with the all-too-familiar struggle of writer’s block, there are a few things you can try. Remember, do… there is no try. First, take a break and step away from your writing for a while, and someone I respect to the depths and back always used to say,

“Seek out nature and animals. All answers are there.”

It stuck and it’s true. This may help clear your mind and allow you to come back to your writing and thoughts with fresh perspective.

When nature was not afoot, the quick fix was sitting with a glass of water and a notepad and just sitting till the water was imbibed or when the words had finished flowing. For a time, I would start my day this way and the experience would last anywhere from a minute to what became a fairly regular 45 minutes.

The Power of Writing Communities

Writing can be a solitary activity, but it doesn’t have to be. Joining a writing community or working with a writing partner can be a great way to stay motivated and receive feedback on your writing. If you really want to go head first, join a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization). You’ll jam, you’ll write, you’ll contribute. This is the way.

Writing communities can provide support, encouragement, and constructive criticism to help you improve your writing skills. They can also be a great way to connect with other writers and build relationships within the writing community. In fact, I’m on a Discord that has a bunch of generalists specializing in a wide spectrum of things, with a concentration of creators and writers. Lots of inspiration and support stem from communities like this.

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Regenerating Your Creative Process

Last year my entire way of thinking, writing, and combining all the technologies started to fall into place. It was if this version of this upcoming internet was made for me. I don’t think I’m alone in saying this.

When I first learned how to write, it was by creating an outline of what I wanted to write about. What’s it about? Identity the process and steps to come to the result of what you’re investigating. Provide your interpretation and provide insights as to why your thoughts were critical on these points. Then bring it home with some Matlock-esque closing argument. Simple. Well, it is. Even more so now.

Consult GPT

Prompt a GPT to “create an outline” on any subject then dive into each subject and discover how everything unfolds. Then start filling in the blanks. Accepting the final product of an LLM feels to me like it’s not the intended use of the product to be lazy, rather it is to inspire shifting gears instead of leaving the cruise control on. I like to drive, however, do not mind all the safety features and situational awareness my car gives me. Beep! Beep!

There are so many AI-infused writing tools out there, and I’ve tried all the good ones, it’s going to come down to good old fashioned know-how and adaptability. Have you ever asked GPT to grade your article or paper? Having a built in teacher, grader, tutor, and writing partner sure does make the process easier.

Here’s a gem to try out:

If you were to grade this paper on a scale of 0 to 100, 
hypothetically what would you grade it?

Please evaluate on these equally weighted sections:
- Content and Relevance
- Structure and Organization
- Language and Style
- Grammar and Conventions
- Use of Evidence and Analysis

For a nerd, writing reports or overviews of topics that no one cares about now and will soon was an easy way for me to start writing again. I didn’t have to write about myself, I deflected towards writing about what I know, and then that confidence of putting pen to paper, so-to-speak, is such a gratifying accomplishment. What’s even cooler is when someone ‘claps’ for the one piece of writing you never thought someone would ever read. Don’t care if anyone reads it, care that you expressed what was unexpressed inside and got it out. Everyone is a writer, the readers always have an occasion to discover what may matter to them. Create the opportunity.

Express Yourself, Even If You Do It Anonymously

“Top of the world, ma!”

Writing can be a powerful and transformative experience. It allows individuals to explore their innermost thoughts and emotions, find meaning and purpose in life, and make a positive impact on the world. While the writing process may not always be easy, it can be a deeply rewarding experience that is worth the effort.

If you’re terrified, like I was, then writing under a pseudonym or writing anonymously can help you over the hurdle, any way you can express yourself, start doing it. As we are finding ourselves with more time with ourselves, we don’t always have the write tool or friend to access in the moment and that’s where you can just imagine, you’re the screenwriter and you can narrate any story into what you want. Before you know it, you’re writing about nothing that turns into something.

So, keep punching those keys for sake of the old gods and new, and see where your writing journey will take you. I have no idea where mine is going but it sure is nice to clear some room for new thoughts once the stories are out of mind and transmuted into wonderful words in storytelling.



To Whom It May Concern

🌶 Recovering Narcissist. Habitual Line-Stepper. Maker of Smiles ♥ Bit of a nerd. Loves to build things. Started with Lego, still playing with it.