How to Spread Kindness in an Age of Need: COVID-19 Edition

Karen Mac
toasting good
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2020

Help a small business, rebuild a better planet, be a good neighbor.

Image Credit: Unsplash

As we close out the third month of this pandemic, I personally feel wearier. Even as states begin loosening shelter-in-place restrictions, I realize that the world may never look the same again.

I open my inbox to see countless sale emails from my favorite ethical fashion brands, pleading with me to stop them from going out of business. Walking past a neighborhood restaurant, I see a “Closed, For Good” sign. More people around me are struggling with anxiety and depression than ever.

Sometimes the level of need right now can feel a little paralyzing. But that shouldn’t stop us from trying to help where we can, because this is a time we will only get through as a community.

To help cope with all this, I created this short list of ideas for practicing small acts of good this week — some supporting social enterprises across the globe. Each of these should take 30 minutes or less and they go a long way for spreading kindness in an age of need.

Monday: Leave a basket of treats outside your door for delivery workers

Greyston Bakery

Show your appreciation for delivery workers during this time by placing a thank-you note at your doorstep alongside a small basket of packaged treats, like candy or granola bars.

If you’d like to support a social enterprise at the same time, Greyston Bakery is still shipping individually packaged brownie orders while continuing to employ their staff, many of whom have been previously incarcerated or have experienced homelessness.

Tuesday: Make a small donation

There are countless organizations in need of support during this time. If you’re able, consider donating the money you might otherwise be spending on transportation, eating out or travel.

If you need ideas, Nest works nationally and internationally with over 700 artisan and maker businesses in over 100 countries who are facing the massive economic impacts of the global crisis. They’ve created an emergency relief fund to allow their artisan businesses to avoid laying off workers during this time.

Wednesday: Show someone struggling that you care about them

Don’t forget that one of the greatest gifts you can give during this time is simply the gift of listening. It may sound easy, but how often do we make a point of being truly present? Find time to reach out today and show support for someone that is struggling.

You might even send them one of these free virtual cards designed by social enterprise, ABLE, to brighten up their day.

Thursday: Give parents some socially distanced help

Know a parent stuck at home, trying to juggle childcare during this time? Help them take a load off by delivering a small basket of toys to their doorstep, or offer to read a story over Zoom.

Looking for a socially responsible children’s gift? We recommend Finn + Emma.

Friday: Make a “green” resolution together

Stay connected with your loved ones by choosing to take on a sustainability challenge together.

This can be as simple as replacing your paper towels with these reusable Swedish dishcloths from Three Bluebirds or participating in a virtual 30-day meatless May Challenge.

Three Bluebirds Swedish Dishcloths

The world may never look the same after this, and we may have to stay in our homes for a while. But don’t discount the power of practicing small acts of good during this time. They add up. Even in the midst of a global pandemic, we can work together towards the social and environmental change we want to see in the world.

toasting good is a conscious lifestyle platform powered by Social Enterprise Alliance. Our mission is to inspire a movement of people passionate about social impact and eager to create change with their daily actions.

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