Deema Barsky
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2018


“Happiness is shouldn’t be a goal, it should be a habit” — Sir Richard Branson.

I was asked what it means to me.
While I know the answer in my heart, putting into words is not as easy.

Here it is.

Goals are just that, goals.
A destination. Destination implies the end. The finish line.
Accomplishment. When we accomplish goals, we set out new once. We can’t just sit with an accomplishment in our lap. Well, you can, a little. Then it gets old.
An object of our effort. We aim at a goal, we work hard, we sucrifice. Eventually, finally, hopefully we aquire the object, achieve the goal. The who effort was for that goal.

I am perfectly OK doing this to my goals. Ship a product. Achieve desired health metrics. Learning a new skill. Get on a journey, work hard, at the cost of other things. Do your very best to get there. As a matter of fact, just setting out on the journey to your goal will change you. Go on, set out to achieve your goals. “For what it will make of you” — as Jim Rohn used to say.

Back to Hapiness.

You want it now.
You deserve it now.
No matter what.
Not only if.
Not only when.
Not only after.

There are things you do no matter what. It’s a habit. You brush your teeth. You must watch the game. You can’t stand turning off Netflix show after 1st episode. No way you are passing up that cake. Whatever your thing is. You have one. I may have it in the list. But you know what it is. You, simply, can’t, live, without it.

Why it’s a habbit.

So, go be happy. Now. Without conditions. Make happiness a hobbit, not a goal, not a choir. Go!

