Marketing Tenet #1 — The Money Is In The List…

Tobin Slaven
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2018

This post [Part 1 of 5] is the start of a series of stories about the journey from no list, no revenue, and likely, no belief — to the promised land of reliable, predictable income from your list. It was first published on Facebook (in video format).

Have you ever heard the phrase, “the money is in the list?” 🤔🤔

👉 A buck gets you ten, you have…

It is a common tenet in digital marketing circles. And it is usually matched with motivational stories about big list owners (the “Pros”) who push a button (hit send 👨‍💻) and it produces thousands of dollars flowing into their accounts.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

Have you ever “witnessed” this kind of “your email list, like an ATM” experience before? Have you “lived” it? 🤷‍♂️

I have. In fact, I’ve now done it multiple times with and for clients… and it kind of shakes up my world each time — like shaking up a snow globe.

It totally changed how I looked at business and marketing. All of of sudden I could see new possibilities. More reliable and predictable results. Sustainable. Scalable.

And it becomes fun again, like playing a video game.

Except, the rewards for hitting new levels… is increased income, more impact and more influence with your audience.

It is a game of owning the attention with your audience.

It reminds of when Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute mile. Before he did it, the experts were saying it was anatomically impossible for humans to run a sub-4-minute mile. Now thousands have broken the same barrier.

The limitations were lifted away. 🧙‍

That’s what happens when we get exposed to new ideas — when we see people do something we would like to be able to do. We see those possibilities with a little more clarity. We start to believe.

I saw the same thing this past week, working with clients who hit a new milestone (five figures in new income) with basically one email (plus follow-up with the hot prospects).

They didn’t think it was possible… because everything they were doing prior was not producing those results. Until we did.

With an email list of less than 4,000. And now their belief is in a whole new place. They are eager for more 🙌

I’m curious if you would like to see more stories like this… more of the details — of what is working. Of how to build a list, but also how some folks are monetizing small lists, and in ways they never dreamed possible.

You might be surprised. You might remove some of your own limitations about what you think is possible in your business.

I’ve been working on a really unique way to personally help a small number of clients, not only grow their list by thousands… but more importantly, monetize that list (new revenue) while creating subscribers eager to hear from you.

Would you like to know more… and how?

Drop a comment below and I will make sure you get an alert.



Tobin Slaven

Mild mannered digital marketer by day; First World Freedom Fighter by night; In search of fellow solopreneurs side projects, and secondary incomes.