Being the cliché

“It’s ok, we are here to help you”

Today i Learned


What happens when the years towards your 50's are less that the years from your 20's? The thought hit me this morning and it was somewhat depressing at first.

Am i no longer that young person full of risk-taking-decisions, 1.6543.234 per moment, ready to take over the world? Or is it that the world doesn’t see me like that anymore?

I guess with age, (should) comes wisdom but that leaves me in a state where i feel more young than when i was in my 20's and more tired than my actual age. The pressure of a labeled life from our society, that in my age i should be married with at least a kid, besides feeling like a part of an ancient demographic result, makes me a walking inconvenience, for others, a cliché.

Either way I always say that age is a number. Just a way to communicate your time on this planet to others and find common grounds as to shared experiences and memories you might have. I see no other use for it. That said, sometimes i have fun with being the cliche, in an broaden-your-horizons way, by stating the obvious.

I’ll go along with whatever “opinion” others might create in the moment i say the “Number”. “Spinster, alone, broken, family issues, intimacy issues, in the closet, introvert, undeveloped” all usually tend to form a negative approach. We are almost driven to believe that people who don’t adjust to generic rules are problematic. More over we have created sub-rules to place walking clichés’ somewhere we feel comfortable with. So sometimes (more often) i’ll go along with their approach by extending that negative opinion to whatever limit makes them feel uncomfortable.

To be completely honest it’s funny. Mostly because i get to see how people are willing to leave their comfort zone in order to learn more about the cliché, and in that process become one of their own. Pointing that out, is usually a fall out in the conversation but still there are a few that get it, understand, that we all are in a way a“Walking cliché

My number. 37. What’s yours?

Cheers. C.



Today i Learned

Digital Designer, @Awwwards Jury, wanna be a traveler again, Photographer, Geek, Gamer, Book Fanatic, Teacher, Silence Seeker @chryssa