Today i Learned
Published in
1 min readOct 16, 2014


My brother called me around 9 a.m, this morning. He just wanted to let me know, that my nephew’s procedure went well (he is only 10 months) and he was looking around the hospital for coffee. The call lasted about 6 minutes and as he was talking I realised that this wasn’t a call for my piece of mind… but for his. Today i learned my brother, has a way of keeping his anxiety level low... he calls me.

Had some research done for a partnership opportunity in China’s mobile market. Browsing through some major tech news site for info and trying to figure out most of what was translated in english from Chinese. Today i learned no to trust Google translate. At least i got to share some of the epic fails it has with colleagues (Idea for blog: Epic fails from google translate)

The original text i wrote was “Epic translation fails that are fun” Got the point right?



Today i Learned

Digital Designer, @Awwwards Jury, wanna be a traveler again, Photographer, Geek, Gamer, Book Fanatic, Teacher, Silence Seeker @chryssa