February 7: Today in Dance

Dawn Davis Loring
Today in Dance


Born Today: Patsy Swayze

Patsy Swayze (1927–2013), mother of dancer/actor Patrick Swayze (1952–2009) began studying dance for therapy after being hit by a car. She studied ballet and jazz and later founded the Houston Jazz Ballet Company and taught classes at her self-named dance studio. Besides her son, she taught Debbie Allen (1950-), Jaclyn Smith, and Tommy Tune (1939-). In 1980 she choreographed Urban Cowboy, starring John Travolta (1954-) and went on to choreograph several other films.

Also Born Today: Dancer/choreographer and composer Gasparo Angiolini (1731–1803) sought to combine theatrical elements into a pantomime-ballet and who challenged the claim that Jean-George Noverre (1727–1810) solely created the ballet d’action, dance performance using pantomime and — expressive gesture that negated the need for dialogue.

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Check out more about dance at: https://www.dawndavisloring.com/todayindance

Dawn Davis Loring is delighted to announce the publication of her first book on dance: Dance Appreciation, co-authored by Julie L. Pentz. Available from Human Kinetics and on Amazon and other booksellers.

Open Mind, Insert Dance



Dawn Davis Loring
Today in Dance

Dance writer and historian, teacher, and advocate. Book Dance Appreciation, published by Human Kinetics. Podcast and website at: dawndavisloring.com