January 1: Today in Dance

Dawn Davis Loring
Today in Dance


Born Today: Maurice Bejárt

Choreographer Maurice Bejárt (1927–2007) began his ballet training after watching a performance featuring Serge Lifar (1905–1986), who danced with the original Ballets Russes. Bejárt studied with famed teachers Mathilde Kschessinskaya (1872–1971) and Roland Petit (1924–2011) before forming one of several ballet companies he ran throughout his career. In 1987 he relocated to Switzerland and founded Bejart Ballet Lausanne. His best-known ballet is an interpretation of Ravel’s Bolero, which was performed by powerhouse ballerina Sylvie Guillem (1965-).

Also Born Today: Chuck Davis (1937–2017), also known as Baba Chuck, who originally worked as a nurse, but was inspired to pursue traditional African dance in the 1950s. He founded several performing companies and traveled frequently to Africa in order to study with master teachers. He was on the faculty of ADF (American Dance Festival) and founded the DanceAfrica festival in the 1970s.

Check out more about dance at: https://www.dawndavisloring.com/todayindance

Open Mind, Insert Dance



Dawn Davis Loring
Today in Dance

Dance writer and historian, teacher, and advocate. Book Dance Appreciation, published by Human Kinetics. Podcast and website at: dawndavisloring.com