Episode 56: Brave Metaphors

Today In Digital Education (TIDE)

Doug Belshaw
Today In Digital Education
2 min readJul 5, 2016


This week, Dai and Doug discuss positive news, metaphors, badges, exercise, credentialing, Evernote, Douglas Rushkoff, Brave, Ecosia, Codemoji, Obama, cognitive potential, and more!


(backup location)

What is this?

A regular podcast from Dai Barnes and Doug Belshaw about education, technology, and everything in between.

How do I subscribe?

Search for us in your favourite podcast directory, copy/paste the RSS feed, or check us out oniTunes / SoundCloud! You can follow us on Twitter as @TIDEpodcast.

Anything else I should know?

A couple of things:

1. This is long form content. You may want to listen to it during a commute or in shorter chunks. That’s OK.

2. You can discuss each episode in our Slack-powered community.

