An Indonesian girl came to Bangladesh for love

Through the international forum Speaking-24 web site, a love relationship developed with an Indonesian girl The Sunday Times

Tuhin Sarwar
The Today
2 min readJun 18, 2024


Tuhin Sarwar, Bangladesh -

Shakyul Islam from Joypurhat district of Bangladesh went to Indonesia and married the young woman and returned home

Shakyul’s wife Tarada Berliam Meganand (27) is working as a lecturer at Padjadjaran University in Jambi Province, Indonesia.

It is known that Shakyul Islam from a middle-class family went to Dhaka city for work after his education. There, through a web site called Speaking-24, an international language learning forum, their acquaintance and love relationship developed.

Shakyul Islam left Dhaka for Indonesia two months ago. On June 10, according to the customs of that country, their marriage was completed in a family manner

Then on Tuesday (June 18) at 5 o’clock in the afternoon, the newlyweds came to their home in the village of Kushum Shehar in the upazila. The eager crowd of the area thronged to see the newlyweds.

In this regard, Shakyul Islam said, I developed a love relationship with him for five years through the International Language Education Forum Speaking-24.

I went to his country and got married according to the customs of that country. Wedding ceremony will be held next Thursday according to the custom of this country.



Tuhin Sarwar
The Today

Tuhin Sarwar, a Bangladeshi author, publisher, and journalist, covers various Bangladeshi issues in international media outlets. He lives in Dhaka, Bangladesh.