Apr. 24 — National Lampoon’s 1908 Vacation

Terrible Historian
Today Was Terrible
Published in
1 min readApr 24, 2019

On April 24th, 1908, Jacob Murdock packed his car full with 7 people plus tons of equipment, and embarked on the first ever cross-country family car trip (from LA to New York) which only took 32 days due to the lack of maps, gas stations and roads.

Now, why would this be such a terrible event, you ask? Just look at the car…

How could you possibly fit 7 humans into that thing? And then drive it for 32 days, apparently fending off coyotes on the way?

A few more issues I’d like to highlight:

  • There weren’t many gas stations in 1908, especially in the middle of America, so Murdock had to pack gallons of extra fuel and meticulously plan their route, even though…
  • There were no maps of middle America, so Murdock often just asked locals “How do I go East?”
  • Did I mention they brought a rifle in case they encountered coyotes (and presumably robbers)?

Anyway, this same trip can be made in a quick 48 hours nowadays. Joke’s on you, Murdock, should have just waited 110 years!

TWT #114

Originally published at http://www.todaywasterrible.com on April 24, 2019.



Terrible Historian
Today Was Terrible

I’m just here to relay some Terrible events throughout history