Apr. 27 — Horseshoes And Hand Grenades

Terrible Historian
Today Was Terrible
Published in
1 min readApr 28, 2019

On April 27th, 1521, Ferdinand Magellan was killed in battle while attempting to force Filipinos to bend the knee, forever solidifying himself as the man who ~almost~ circumnavigated the world.

I cannot figure out why this man, Magellan, is so remembered and taught about in World history. The expedition he captained was pretty much unsuccessful, experienced multiple mutinies, and Magellan himself didn’t even make it around the world!

After Ferdinand died in battle, Juan Sebastián Elcano (who had actually previously mutinied against Magellan and then spent 5 months in chains as penance) took over as captain and finished the first ever circumnavigation of the globe.

But hey, this just goes to prove: Close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and world expedition.

TWT #117

Originally published at http://www.todaywasterrible.com on April 28, 2019.



Terrible Historian
Today Was Terrible

I’m just here to relay some Terrible events throughout history