Royal Scots get their Kilts in a Twist

Today’s Current
Today's Current
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2018
Photo by Sheldon Vacek

Originally published on October 16, 2017.

By Emma MacLeod

Glencoe was buzzing with excitement as they swarmed around the student section to get ready for the bee-themed night. The black and yellow crowd did not have to wait in anticipation for long. As soon as the game began, the Crimson Tide was ready for the McKay Royal Scots.

Senior Running Back, Juan Diaz, got Glencoe onto their feet. After receiving a short pass from Junior Quarterback, Bryce Fornshell, Diaz dodged past McKay and sprinted down the field. Right before he was home free, three Royal Scots caught up with him and tried to block the instant touchdown. To their disappointment and Glencoe’s elation, Diaz spun into the endzone.

When the Royal Scots were unsuccessful in getting their touchdown, they made a last ditch effort to get some points on the board. Their field goal attempt was crushed by Senior Linebacker, Drew Messmer. As the ball was put into action, Messmer hurdled over the defensive line and blocked the kick.

However, the Linebacker was not done yet. Soon after the block, he was diving into the endzone as a running back, ending the Quarter for Glencoe 14–0.

Ansty to get onto the scoreboard, McKay threw a long pass to an open receiver; however his excitement got the best of him and he dropped the ball. Senior Defensive Back, Devon Schaumburg, pounced on the ball along with a few other Glencoe players. Ultimately, Schaumburg coming up with the fumble for the Crimson Tide.

Like Messmer, Schaumburg was a contributor to the offense as well. As a Wide Receiver, Schaumburg caught a 35 yard pass in the endzone, putting Glencoe up 21–0 after another extra point made by Senior Kicker Matthew Smith.

After almost finishing the half without a point to their name, McKay finally got on the board with 43 seconds left on the clock, making sure Glencoe understood they were not gonna go out without a fight.

When the Royal Scots came back onto the field, they meant business. In just under two minutes of the third quarter, they were already scoring a touchdown. The scoreboard reading: 21–14.

But Messmer was not gonna let Glencoe go a quarter without a Touchdown. Getting the hand-off from Fornshell, Messmer charged into the endzone putting the Tide at 28–14.

Another Touchdown was Mckay’s response. Both teams started to sweat with only 7 points between each other–making the score 21–14.

The Scots began to gain a little bit of confidence at kickoff, when the ball was fumbled by Junior, Wide Receiver, Justin Lazenby, and almost picked up by McKay.

Messmer took away that confidence a few minutes later, barreling into the endzone once more, making that his third touchdown of the night.

Once again, The Royal Scots responded with a touchdown. The back and forth continued.

The next time McKay got a turnover, a miscalculated throw from their QB sent Senior Defensive Back, Robert Brinkly, sprinting down the field. With the rogue ball in his hands, he got back the ball back for Glencoe.

Lazenby came back onto the field, frustrated, and determined to seek redemption from his fumble earlier in the game. The Quarterback from McKay gave him just the opportunity with only 23 seconds left on the clock.

While the Quarterback was expecting his receiver to cut to left to get open, Lazenby did instead, catching the ball and running straight into the endzone. As soon as he was there, the frustration was shed and happiness came over the Linebacker, ending the game 42–28.

A hard earned win for these busy bees.

