Ruben Gallardo: Athlete of the Week

Today’s Current
Today's Current
Published in
1 min readJul 16, 2018
Photo by Sheldon Vacek

Originally Published on September 30, 2017

By Emma MacLeod


Ruben Gallardo




Defensive Back

Are there any other sports you play?

Basketball, I love the sport. It’s more than just a sport. As well as Lacrosse.

How many years have you played football?:

2 years, my freshman and senior year. Honestly, I was more focused on basketball [during Sophomore and Junior year].

How many years have you been on varsity?:

This is my first year.

What got you started in football?:

My older brother, because when we would see each other, he beat me [in sports] every time and I always wanted to beat him. I can beat him now.

What is your ultimate goal in football?:

It’s to be competitive

What is the biggest challenge you face?:

Not being successful. I want to be successful but I’m nervous for the success.

What has been your greatest accomplishment in football so far?:

Proving people wrong by making that pick six.

What is a motto you live by?

“I’m living one life 400”

