Success from Disruption

Todd Moses
Todd Insights
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2020


An attorney told me that a lawyer never asks a question without first knowing the answer. That is because people are often unpredictable. Even a comical ice breaker is potent for a surprise.

At parties, he used to ask, “When was the last time you touched a monkey?”. That was until a young woman answered with, “Ohh, do I still smell like it?”.

If a conversation is this risky, then life is full of uncertainty. Bill Regas, the namesake to a classic Knoxville restaurant has a framed letter on the wall from Dave Thomas, founder of Wendys. When Dave was a child, Bill gave him his first job.

By John Mathew Smith & from Laurel Maryland, USA — Dave Thomas Wendys owner, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Dave had dropped out of school, was unable to read, and lied about his age to start work. His future was anything but certain. However, he managed to become a Kentucky Fried Chicken franchisee and later owner of a global brand.

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg are all college dropouts. They left the near-certainty of a comfortable existence to risk starting a company. We all know their stories of success but are not told about the fear, pain, and doubt just before the breakthrough.

Today, companies are facing trouble, especially small business retail. It can seem hopeless when new sales become impossible while costs remain. Even office-based companies are facing unimaginable challenges. However, all is not…

