Todd’s Tech Report: September 23, 2015

Todd Hansen
Seeing Around Corners
3 min readSep 23, 2015

Heard they had a Fleshlight tied to an outdoor pole for public use at Burning Man. Yum. ‘Bout time, ‘bout time.

100 Megawatts In Your Trunk

What’s going on?

Remember that scene in one of those Bale Batman movies where he’s underground and all off the heazy about a cold fusion reactor he’s built and Bane wants it and blah blah blah. Well this is like that except real, not cold and it could fit on the back of a truck. A compact fusion reactor that could provide 100 megawatts of power, enough for about 80,000 people.

Why does it matter?

“The novel magnetic cusp configuration would allow for stable plasmas in a geometry amenable to economical power plants and power sources.” Right. Said another way, “It’s a magnetic mirror confinement that contains the plasma in which fusion occurs by reflecting particles from high-density magnetic fields to low-density ones”. Sure. Carry on. Carry on.

Magic In The Food Box

What’s going on?

Drop the waitstaff. Kill the cashier. Hell — don’t even think about having an open kitchen concept with Mason jar lighting. Imagine restaurant zen where you can order a custom quinoa bowl on an iPad and a few minutes later it shows up on a lil’ cubby ready to eat. Well motherfuckers… that shit is real. Huge day!

Why does it matter?

Gameplay here is that Eatsa wants to make healthy food affordable. To do that, they distilled everything down to an iPad, a few cooks and good design. Right now all meals are quinoa-based, but modular so you can mix and match. Everything is fresh, made to order, local, organic sha-na-na-na… all that. It’s all credit/debit cards, not cash and a bit of big data to track customer prefs. Scale the idea and maybe that bowl ends up being only $4.

Hallmark Is Toast

What’s going on?

Or so it would seem. I don’t know. I think it’s a bunch a hyperbolic horse shit but we’ll roll with it anyway. Wombi Rose (seriously?) has a start up called LovePop. AKA Levitra for greeting cards. Apparently it’s going to Disrupt-Da-Fuq™ outta Hallmark et al. How? By hijacking old school pop-up book-tech and cramming it in a card.

Why does it matter?

It doesn’t really. Yay for being all 3D and shit. All “custom designed” and dumping truckloads of cute into the mail. Yes it’s probably gonna create some “wow” moments for a grandma in Toledo but does it really need to be covered by the tech press, or here even? Probably not.



Todd Hansen
Seeing Around Corners

Former Head of Conference Programming at SXSW. Fascinated by culture, tech, history and the human condition. Keen on collaborations between art and science.