Jeffrey Wyman
Todoist Templates
Published in
1 min readJul 23, 2016


A Magical Todoist Feature You Haven’t Tried Yet

This find comes from some fun experiments over the last few weeks.

I have no idea how long this has been working, but I’ve never seen anyone mention or use it at all, so I have a good feeling that this is brand new to most of you.

You’ve probably used repeating tasks before. After all, it’s one of the core features. Did you know you can also set a specific start date? Or even an end date?

Yes, it’s possible. But here’s the magic part:

You can set start and end dates in your repeating tasks. This gives you a whole new layer of control. Normally when you build repeating tasks, if you’re like me, you kind of just assumed that they would go on forever. In reality, nothing is forever. We would inevitably approach an ineffective period where that task was no longer needed.

Now, we can specify the life of a task ahead of time, and let our tasks clean themselves up.

How to create repeating tasks with start and end dates in Todoist.

Use this format:

[Task description] every [repetition] starting [date] until [date]


[Task description] every [repetition] starting [date] for [duration]

Example: Study homework every other day starting next week for 3 months

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Originally published at on July 23, 2016.

