What you’ll get from Toffy’s Domes NFT? (5 things & more)

Nifemi Aluko
Toffy’s Domes NFT
5 min readJul 27, 2022


Toffy’s Domes is a NFT project around creative storytelling to empower communities.

It is based around my award-winning science fiction novel — TOFFY’S DIVIDE.

So what do you get when you get a Toffy’s Domes NFT?

Quick answer: Some cool digital art, an audiobook, access to our Storyteller’s community, and a signed copy of my new book (coming 2023).

So let’s break this down.

A big thing in the NFT space is utility. That is, what do fans/investors that support your work get from holding on to your token?

There are projects, such as goblintown, that do not have utility and the art is sufficient as a unique collectible.

However most projects offer some form of utility. It could be access to events. Exclusive products.

Check out my article here about some of the utility that I have gotten from projects i have supported.

The main thing, as a project owner, is how do you drive value for the fans that have chosen to support your journey.

And that’s what I have been thoughtful about as I developed Toffy’s Domes.

Still curious about NFT? Check this out on how to get involved.

Since this project is my first and also an experiment on how to use NFTs to support the publishing process, I centered the utility around stories, publishing, and access to communities/tools to help others tell their stories.

As I have started drafting my third book, I keep asking myself, can I use my NFT collection to bring a new book to reality?

So here is the current utility that comes with the Toffy’s Domes NFT collection.

The token itself

This is the first thing you’ll be getting.

One of the 405 unique tokens from the collection.

Toffy’s Domes NFT is a collection of 405 unique digital art tokens from the Toffy’s Divide Novel

Every token is unique. As you can see, it is a variation of the cover design with some interesting varities of 3 background colors, 5 cities, 3 storytelling components, frames, and 3 ‘divides’.

There are 405 tokens in the collection for a reason. That’s because the first edition of the book has 405 pages and each token matches a page in the book also.

To learn more about the collection and the rarities, check it out here.

Toffy’s Divide Audiobook

The dystopian novel — Toffy’s Divide was published in October 2021. It’s currently available as an ebook, paperback, and hardcover.

Let’s add an audiobook to that collection :)

The audiobook is to be released in the fall of 2022 through most audiobook outlets such as audible and itunes.

The Audiobook recording space

Every one that gets a Toffy’s Domes NFT will also get this audiobook as a downloadable mp3 (without having to purchase it through another retailer).

This will be the full audiobook and we might even include some exclusive music from unreleased songs from the Toffy’s Divide Mixtape 😉

Access to “Storyteller’s lounge with NapoRepublic”

Storyteller’s lounge is a community of multifaceted professionals that come together to improve their communication, writing, and storytelling skills.

Every token holders will get a one-year access to this exclusive community (with lifelong access to the discord community) where activities include, but are not limited to, weekly writing sessions, access to publishing experts, behind the scene access to the author’s process, and more.

Check out one of our sessions in the storyteller’s lounge with Dr. Drozdowicz, discussing the sceince behins staying motivatded 👇🏾

New — third — book (Coming 2023)

This is another utility that I’m really excited about. I have published two books in the last two years — PRESS PLAY and TOFFY’S DIVIDE.

AND I’m excited to publish a third one.

As I have started drafting my third book, I keep asking myself, can I use my NFT collection to bring a new book to reality?

That’s my hope.

That with some of the funds raised through the community with the NFTs, I can use it to edit, design, and produce my next book.

I’m already writing it and as I type this, I am two days from completing the first draft 🙌🏾

It’s a fictional book to be published in 2023.

Oh, and I‘m writing the entire first draft on my phone. *creative challenge*

Every token holder that gets Toffy’s Domes NFT will receive a signed copy of the new book (for each token that they hold) delivered to their address.

Giving it back

The themes around Toffy’s Divide is around technological advancement that can either reduce or greatly increase the economic, digital, or narrative inequality in our cities and countries.

As a way to contribute to the reduction in this inequality, we will be allocating 15% of the funds from our project to one organization that’s working to reduce inequality in a city represented in the collection.

As a token holder and community member, you get to vote on the organization that gets that allocation.

NFTs can be used for good too😀

5 & More?

The five utilities mentioned above are more immediate but the benefit of NFTs is that they live on the Blockchain for as long as the chain is verfiable and secure.

As a project owner, depending on the success of the project, more utility can be added as the time progresses. The possibilities are quite endless. Most importantly, this NFT collection will empower me, just like it does for other artist, to support future storytelling and author projects.

I want to make sure the holders of Toffy’s Domes NFT get sufficient value from the collection and I hope you’ll join my along this journey as we use storytelling for creative and economic empowerment.

Toffy’s Domes NFT launched on Sep 20, 2022!

Get your Toffy’s Domes Token here

Follow Toffy’s Domes NFT on twitter

