Simple Vegan Crêpes

Or vegan pancakes if you’re British. And correct.

Max Clayton Clowes
Tofu Tales
2 min readFeb 14, 2018


It was Shrove Tuesday yesterday — me and Nurul Shamir’s first since easing into veganism. I just assumed that we wouldn’t be able to celebrate it properly, but it turns out I was wrong.

When I told friends we were making pancakes, their first question was “What about eggs?”… 🤔 I don’t know why but turns out you don’t need eggs. Really makes you think, you know? Pancakes are an easy vegan recipe, and they taste bangin’.


Serves: 4

  • 125ml of soy milk
  • 125ml of water
  • 4 tablespoons of melted vegan butter
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (whatever you’ve got to hand)
  • 2 tablespoons agave nectar
  • Generous pinch of salt
  • 130g plain flour
  • Toppings. So many toppings.


Preparation time: 5 min
Rest: 2 hours (optional)
Cooking: 20 min

  1. Shove all your ingredients, apart from the flour, into a mixing bowl and mix.
  2. Add the flour bit by bit and whisk gently. The key here is to mix well but not to activate the gluten in the flour — no one wants plastic-y pancakes!
  3. Check the consistency — feel free to add a little more flour if you like your crêpes a little thicker!
  4. Cover the bowl in clingfilm and chill the batter for 2 hours. Or until you get hungry and just cook the damn batter. Patience = optional.
  5. Lightly grease a small frying pan with some vegan margarine or oil. Heat the pan until hot. Pour approximately 3 tablespoons batter into the pan. Swirl to make the batter cover the bottom. Cook until golden, flip and cook on opposite side.
  6. Top your pancakes! I’m a fan of the classic sugar and lemon, but whatever floats your boat. Jam is always great too, and if you can find great vegan alternatives to Nutella.

See! Now go eat until there is no sugar left.

Disclaimer: do not actually eat all of the sugar.



Max Clayton Clowes
Tofu Tales

Product Manager with diverse software engineering and design background, and experience as a founder of a client-facing business