SCV NFT Market Rebrands to tofuNFT

Rory Swann
4 min readOct 8, 2021


Welcome to our next chapter. Today, we are happy to announce that our SCV NFT Market is rebranding to a new name, tofuNFT.

From SCV to tofuNFT

When we started the SCV project 9 months ago, our focus was to create the best DeFi portfolio and innovation based on DeFi and NFT technologies. But with our product and community growing, the SCV protocol has expanded beyond simple yield farming and the NFT market to offering a suite of creative products to serve NFT investors, and our vision has evolved to the next stage of NFT. Therefore, we believe it is time to move beyond the connotations and trappings of “SCV”. Today, the NFT Market of will be rebranded to:

A modern designed multi-chain NFT marketplace for GameFi and collectibles that supports every advanced feature for NFT trading.

We wanted a name that represented the simplicity and essence of the market, and tofuNFT does just that. The new logo is a perfect combination of the gorgeous typography design of tofu and NFT. All social media accounts will be updated to reflect the name and logo changes.

New UI

Along with the rebranding, we also rethought about how a perfect market should be like and revamped the structure and design with a much modern style, which we’d love to show you now.

New Discover

The biggest change you should notice at the first visit is the new home/discover page. Every NFT is displayed beautifully with a lot more information.

Filter modal

We also redesigned the most welcomed Filter modal and now it’s everywhere built inside the market, so you can use it to filter NFTs listings, your own NFTs, and even global activities.

You can finally filter out those NFTs that are not on sale now.

NFT Detail

The detail page for NFT is also much more beautiful with a large preview of the Image/View content, and a detailed display for metadata.


The complex steps of listing NFTs are now streamlined into one elegant modal where you can find a lot of customizable options and detailed explanations.

And the approval and signing modal for listing an NFT for auction is much more straightforward than ever.


We introduced a bunch of new activity types that help to track every event that happened on the market. So for every address, there is a dedicated Activities page that lists all activities related to NFTs belongs to the address.

And of course, you can view all activities that occurred on the tofuNFT market on the Discover page in real-time.

Dark/Light Theme

The tofuNFT now ships with both dark and light UI themes.

Telegram Notification

Besides the new UI, the Telegram Notification has also been greatly improved. Thanks to the new activities, our Telegram bot can notify you when your items get listed or sold, your bids win or outbid, and even for your favorited NFTs.

Upcoming Updates

While what you’ve read is just a rough introduction to what’s in tofuNFT. We have a lot more cool features planned with this slick new UI and Brand, we hope you enjoy it! If you have any issues, bugs, or features to report, please tell us in our Telegram group.

For a complete introduction to what’s new in tofuNFT, don’t forget to check our new documentation site

