One 5-Minute Thing You Can Do to Support the Science Community

Mary Cruse
Together Science Can
2 min readJul 9, 2018

Complete this survey and help shape the future of science policy

The story of human progress is a story of collaboration. Far from the typical image of the lone genius singlehandedly advancing human knowledge, scientific success is far more often the result of many people joining forces, sharing resources and overcoming challenges together.

But collaboration is not always easy. For many researchers, there are barriers to visiting other countries, accessing equipment, and collaborating with international colleagues. Relocating for work can be particularly difficult, and for some, getting a work visa is a huge challenge.

International collaboration brings many benefits — both to individual researchers and to scientific progress more generally. Worldwide, papers that involve an element of scientific collaboration achieve more citations.

We want to support those engaging in international collaboration; and so, we’re working to collect the views and experiences of researchers from across the world in a landmark survey.

The survey asks about respondents’ experiences of travelling or moving for training or work, factors that supported them, challenges they faced, and the results of their time in a different country. Responses are confidential and respondents do not have to give their name or any personal details.

The results will be published in September 2018 and will help to establish how the processes and systems that underpin international movement are working, and what could be done to better support the science community.

We believe that science is at its best when it draws on the expertise and talents of different people, when researchers can share knowledge and ideas; science is at its best when we work together. Help us shape the future of science policy — because we are stronger when we speak as one.



Mary Cruse
Together Science Can

Writer, journalist, communicator. Covering science and global issues for the Together Science Can campaign. #TogetherScienceCan