What exactly is addiction treatment?

Together We Can
Together We Can
Published in
5 min readJan 27, 2022
man looking sadly at this cell phone
Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

As an addiction treatment charity operating for 29 years, we still see this question: What exactly is addiction treatment? Many centres offer many solutions, but they all usually follow one primary vision, building a connected, loving, caring, and judgment-free community.

There is power in numbers, and it is essential to remember that recovery can be challenging alone. Regardless of the method you choose, build unity and fellowship with like-minded people. At the same time, it helps you to begin feeling like you belong. Addiction and substance misuse feels like an all-encompassing black cloud. It separates you from your friends and families and robs you of the opportunity to grow a supportive circle. This is where addiction treatment comes in.

It is scary to think that you will never use it again. How will you cope with the ups and downs, emotions, and challenges? When joining a therapeutic and reputable treatment community, you will be given the opportunity to learn how to build lasting and healthy coping methods, become open-minded to change, and have the courage for self-reflection. You will find that group of like-minded people who want nothing more than to see you break barriers and grow to a potential you have only ever dreamed of. That is the big picture, so let’s get into the day-to-day of what your addiction treatment stay will look like.

Man stands with arms open embracing the sunshine
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

1. Routine

We tend to stop taking care of hygiene, our personal space, and following a regular daily schedule during active addiction. The treatment centre you decide to participate in will have a daily schedule that residents adhere to. This is to help you build up the routine to get back to work, school, or volunteering after treatment. Getting out of bed on time and showing up for your appointments builds confidence, character, and motivation. It allows us to realize that a whole world is going on out there, and we are missing opportunities by staying in bed.

2. Therapy

The addiction treatment center should offer you private counseling, group therapy, case management, and outings that help you look within and determine why you are prone to choosing drugs or alcohol over a viable, appropriate solution. Learning vulnerability in a safe and trusting setting will guide you to build stable relationships in the future. Often, our trust has been broken through many forms of manipulation, gossip, and use by those around us. Therapy helps us to see that not everyone wants something from us. There are people out there who want nothing more than to help. We often struggle with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and other challenges that a mental health professional will allow us to overcome and recover from.

3. Physical Health & Nutrition

By the time we make it to addiction treatment, our bodies have been through a lot. We have been beaten up, damaged our organs, and in some cases, overdosed. Our body is the one thing that has been through all of it. Being exposed to proper diet, nutrition, hydration, and physical activity will help our body regain its strength, our mind regain its focus, and our soles regain their spirit. By adequately fueling both our mind and body, we are taking the opportunity to feel good and gain confidence in how we carry ourselves. We no longer have to hide our faces because we want to show off that smile we have worked so hard to achieve.

4. Medical Care

We have ignored our medical health for long enough. A quality treatment centre will have access to medical professionals who can help you determine if you require any medication and provide support around detox. Addiction treatment offers the chance to look at our entire lives and how we can establish balance. Regular check-ins with a doctor or other professional will ensure that you are on the right path to recovery. Building a team of social, medical, emotional, and mental health supports helps us find success as we navigate a life free from active addiction.

5. Community

We began this article by highlighting the importance of connecting to a strong community. Addiction treatment will encourage you to find new, healthy friends, supports, and mentors as you learn a new way of living. One of the unfortunate realities of addiction is that we have taken from our communities and addiction treatment helps us start giving back. Whether through volunteering at the centre, in the community, or through our chosen recovery method. Every time we step out of ourselves and into a place of care and compassion, we are building our strength and helping others to see that recovery from addiction is possible.

6. Support for your family

When choosing an addiction treatment centre, see if there is a family program that your loved ones can join. Family programs offer addiction education, support, and the chance to heal from the impact of our use. Our families are often the ones who have felt the blunt force of our addictions and seen us spiral out of control. As people in recovery, we must own responsibility for our mistakes. Still, programs like these help our families better understand where it went wrong and how you can heal together.

Group of families standing on the beach looking at the sunset
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

It seems scary at first, but don’t let fear stop you from becoming the human you are supposed to be. Addiction treatment serves as a vehicle to find out who we are, what we enjoy, and see the sunshine again. Reach out today to discover how addiction treatment can help you build a brand new recovery life.



Together We Can
Together We Can

Together We Can is a drug & alcohol recovery treatment center in Vancouver BC. https://twcrecoverylife.org