Sure you know how to learn?

Audun Nilsen
4 min readJust now



I´m of the first generation of millennials. To me, academia was a curse word growing up, but it went beyond that. My parents were teachers, so it was never said at our house. We had to read books, no TV, and it was clear what was going to happen for us if we didn´t do that — get the hell out of the house! Oook, and then we go to school in the 90s and sit there and look at each other, wondering what this is, finally caving in and playing football, and making trouble any way we could. Then we got the Internet, and, oh, boy.. Jokes aside, learning is personal. I won´t pretend to know what you should learn and how … now. However, I can give a few pointers shot from the hip.

With who, what, where and when, there´s no time for why

First of all, let´s separate learning from memorization. If you need to memorize a lot of information you need calm in your soul. You need to be a galleon in a lake, not a cork on the ocean. Once you´ve achieved that, the learning can begin. OK, so there´s something you want to learn, like a new language. What you want to do is do a brain storming. No such thing as a bad brain storming. In the brain storming we do two things, we associate things with our goal, and we eliminate, or discard, or we disassociate the same things. This is good to keep in mind, because the more negativity you allow in your thought stream, the fewer relevant associations you will make. It´s easy to clean up the mess afterwards, but to attain flow and reach the heart of matter, heave, breathe out the 6/7 negative thoughts, keep pressing, and then land with some kind of overview.. That´s art.

After Flow Comes Order

OK, so.. Learning a language. A language has a core vocabulary. You can get by with 700 English words in everyday speech. Family words, nature words, direction, distance, time, the elements, loan words. You want to separate vocabulary from accent. There are dialects, sociolects. Pitch, tone, accentuation of vowels.. A lot to remember, but look at what we have here. This is not really things to remember, but categories within which the words should be memorized. We haven´t actually learnt anything, because learning is memorizing, and it is … incorporating the words you have memorized into their proper categories. Get it? Hehe.. Some people say you can learn a language by only mimicking in just a year. This is the essential point. You bvegin by mapping out the terrain. What belongs where, and then you can start filling in the boxes. This is the actual footwork. Most people either don´t do the initial systemization, or they try to hard to remember too many things, and they lose interest and momentum. What I have found is that memorizing about four hours before you go for a long walk is the most effective. The psychological effect of putting things behind you, is infinitely powerful, and what happens between the memorizing and the walking is that you build up tension towards that commitment you made, and the reward is to lie in your bed, resting, feeling happy that you remembered so many of the words you memorized before playing Command and Conquer for three and a half hours straight. In short, you have to get the Grammar correct, then apply Logic, and lastly, you use Rhetoric (mostly in your own head), because teaching somebody else is the most powerful way to remember something. If you tell somebody something is like this, or that, there´s a commitment there, and preparing for that moment is sort of the same, right, so.. Don´t become like Wittgenstein, but.. It´s the same general powerhouse in the brain.

Remembering When Not To Learn

There´s a hierarchy of which methods are the most powerful, but this is something that.. You probably realize that trauma is hard to forget, right. By the same token, 1.000 commercials make a big layer cake. On the whole, I think, if you are not learning with someone, in some capacity, you´re not going to remember much of it. Doing so every single day is not only effective in the old fashioned sense, but it alleviates a lot of stress surrounding the whole experience. What I like to do is to seek out communities that to what I want to learn every day when there´s something complicated. I strike up a conversation, and we keep it going for a few days. In everyday affairs, I use public chatrooms, and share things I´ve learnt there. Works wonders with history and sociology, or psychology, things like this. As for the more material side of things, I think resting is key. If you want to get good at math, or athletics, it´s all about endurance, right. Don´t show up if you can´t take the heat. Too much negativity is not healthy when you rest, and it certainly gets in the way when you calculate your average speed going to the store..

For about 50 logical fallacies, look at this page

Happy hunting!

