How content will be organized

Adam Schmideg
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2022
By the Author using DALL-E

When you enter this site, you must feel overwhelmed. No clear structure, no path to follow. Worse than a wiki, because this one has no central idea. It is not obvious what all this is about.

There are two equally valuable way to contribute. You can contribute at the content level by adding your writing or by editing what you find here. You can also contribute at the structural level by setting signposts along a route you recommend to others.

Wikis do not have the concept of reading from cover to cover. You are supposed to jump from page to page following your interest which may be not so sophisticated if you are discovering a new topic. The closest thing you can get to an organized reading experience is a portal which is basically an extended table of contents for a particular area. Here you can use the same mechanism but we have a more exciting method. You teach the AI to create a complete piece out of the chunks lying around. It does not require any programming, not even the knowledge that an AI is doing the magic behind the scenes. Add a few tags and links to the pages, and the rest will take care of itself. Note the generated piece will be different each time (there is a way, though, to save a copy of it) but not too different. Like reading two textbooks on the same subject.

To be frank, the AI part is not there yet. Think of it as cryonics. Hundreds of people freeze their bodies in the hope they will be resurrected one day. We do not have the technology to resurrect frozen bodies, we may not have it in the future either. Or we may. This is an optimistic investment. I hope we are close to having AI generate portal pages. Possibly long-form writing made up of the chunks. It would would put the pieces in an order that makes most sense and it would write the transition between them.

