My favorite cafe

Adam Schmideg
Published in
1 min readJan 29, 2022

I'm sitting again in my favorite cafe
It reopened a few days ago
Do I really have to tell you about the new Covid regulations?
They're as relaxed now as we are
I bet you're already sitting in a bar
The seat in the back of the room gives me a view on the other guests

I come here to see people in their natural habitat
They don't invite me to their homes, they are Dutch
This is the closest I can get

I called it my favorite cafe a minute ago
It's not
It's just the one around the corner
and I still wanted so badly to come here again

I own a coffee card with their logo
they stamp it on my each visit
Ten stamps collected give me a coffee for free
The owner greets me in Dutch
Months of hard work
She doesn't switch to English hearing my struggle with the language
I order a "koffie verkeerd"
But we never talk

