
Adam Schmideg
Published in
1 min readJan 31, 2022

We all have an internal strange-o-meter
It beeps when something is out of the ordinary
The higher the strangeness, the louder it warns us

When I meet people for the first time, they feel uneasy
I start to speak
their strange-o-meter slowly reaches the red zone
and starts to beep

What's your favorite movie? What do you read?
They're trying to have a friendly conversation
My favorite band on Spotify has a 1000 monthly listeners
Compare it to Beyoncé
30 million users listen to her every month
I name a book, I want to be polite
The title meets blank eyes

You look at me and see a shirt and regular pants
Normal by all standards
My face?
No distinguishing features, no pirate patch
What sets me apart then?
I have thoughts most people don't
or they don't share them
But that's not the point
What matters is why people are so uniform

