The future of Clojure

Adam Schmideg
Published in
1 min readFeb 4, 2022

Clojure is a programming language in the Lisp family
They say it has a steep learning curve
Others call it their secret weapon
a phrase I haven’t heard for other languages
For me it’s the only language
the mother tongue of my brain
It hurts when I have to use another one

Clojure is dying
In a few years time it will be dead
like its grandfather, Lisp
You can still use it at home
like emigrants speak their language with family members
and forget a word every day
hey are fluent in English or Arabic
or whatever country they chose to live in

Why does a programming language die?
Why doesn’t it get love anymore?
Why has it lost its appeal?
Is it unfit for the problems we’re having?
Does it lack corporate support?
Is it hard on the eyes
so used to curly braces?
We’ll never know

