The tell the truth about hypocrisy

Adam Schmideg
Published in
1 min readFeb 21, 2022

Hypocrisy is frowned upon. You’re supposed to speak your mind. Be, as a window, transparent, so everybody can see what’s there inside the room. Thou shalt not lie. Thou shalt not be pretentious. Thou especially shalt not pretend you love Justin Bieber to get laid by one of his fans. A hidden agenda will cause more troubles down the line.

Now consider this piece of advice I just gave you. Am I being honest? What if it pays off to lie in certain cases? If you get caught, there’s another lesson to be learned. Improve your lying technique.

We somehow know it is a pipe dream to go through life transparent and clean. Sometimes we have to lie, OK, to bend the truth.

Look what I just did. I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. Which is absurd, I don’t even know you. To be honest, I wanted to give the impression I care about your feelings. Instead of the word “lie”, I used a more palatable phrase. Lying is bad. Bending the truth is only admitting to reality.

To think a whole life can be lived without lies is naivety. To expect others to live such a life is hypocrisy.

