Toho Publishing Updates (3/13/19)

One micropress’ journey into the deep sea of publishing.

Andres The Writer
2 min readMar 13, 2019


Photo by Patrick Tomasso

Well, folks, Andrés Cruciani of Toho Publishing here, and it’s been all quiet on the Medium front for a bit because we’ve been busy! Here’s an update on where our micropress stands after three months of being in business:

  1. Publications: We have published a novel (The Father) and a short story (The Scientist). The Father currently stands at 4.9/5 stars with 25 reviews—which, if you have any experience selling on Amazon, you know that getting reviews is HARD. Total, we’ve sold over 200 copies, a tiny number by some measures, but considering that neither this company nor the book existed four months ago, it’s not too shabby. The Scientist, on the other hand, peaked at 32 in one of its book categories. So, we are getting there. And if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that publishing is a LONG game.
  2. Toho Journal: We’ve started a literary journal! We currently have 8 editors and 10 outside contributors. While we’re Philly-based (and trying to support local writers), we welcome submissions from all geographies and of all skill level. You can find more information here. The deadline for submissions is 3/31—hurry!
  3. Clients: We have five clients and are helping them with everything from editing their novels to finding agents to submitting their work to literary magazines. Basically trying to lighten the burden of what makes being a writer so, well, hard.
  4. Courses: We’ve taught one generative writing workshop and are in the process of creating more classes!
  5. Partnerships: We’ve partnered with Green Street Poetry, St. Michael’s Lutheran in Kensington, and A Novel Idea (a bookstore—you can find The Father there!). We will also be partnering with London Grill in the near future and hosting a reading there.
  6. Events: Philadelphia Writers’ Conference invited me to give a workshop! I’ll be teaching a class on how to write a short story in 30 minutes. And, as mentioned above, we’re in the process of organizing events at various venues.
  7. Translations: Both The Father and The Scientist have been translated into Spanish. We’re currently looking into distribution in Argentina (my country of birth), as well as in other Spanish-speaking countries.
  8. Distribution: We’re trying not to put all our eggs into the Amazon basket. As such, we have used a company called Draft2Digital to distribute The Father’s ebook across numerous digital platforms (Baker & Taylor, Ingram Sparks, etc.). We’re also looking into more physical distribution channels for The Father.

Well, think that’s about it for now. Tonight all of the Toho Journal editors are getting together, and we gotta get our place ready!

Toho Publishing aims to be the best micro press in Philadelphia. Check out our first novel.



Andres The Writer

Andrés Cruciani is the founder of Toho Publishing ( He’s a writer, editor, and teacher.