Google Font Combinations

Tushar Kalan
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2017

Using the right font (typeface) is something that can be mastered only by constant practice and often experimentation with various point sizes and weights. The good news about great typeface is it’s easy to achieve you just need to keep things simple.

Many designers and developers cannot decide instantly on which typeface to use and which not to. But typography is complex and sometimes a very easy subject. Typography in my opinion should be functional as well as situational. Take a look at the some content base websites. I believe those designers / developers the standard in our design industry with regard to the reader experience and you will note they use a very simple serif heading font paired with sans-serif body text on the website and articles.

All can be found on Google Fonts which means they are specifically designed for use on the mobile screen to desktop screen and they are all easy to incorporate into your website, Mobile App with just a line of embed code and CSS rules to specify.

Font Combinations :

1. Playfair Display-Bold + Alegreya Sans-Medium

2. Domine-Bold + Signika Negative-Light

3. Cormorant Garamond-Semi Bold + Varela Round

4. Rufina-Bold + Source Sans Pro-Regular

5. Caudex-Bold + Mada-Light

6. Ramaraja + Assistant-Semi Bold

We design to express ourselves, but someone has to understand our expressions. Keep in mind one thing, how your words are designed, no amount of good design can save bad content.

Thank you!



Tushar Kalan

UI/UX - Creative Consultant, Love Music & Photography, Trekking and Nature, Life Lover, Addicted to Internet. Reader, Writer, Laugh Always!!